As any Minnesotan will readily admit, we are a unique bunch. We choose to live in a place that frequently sees single-digit temperatures with double-digit snowfalls, consider frozen veggies covered in cream-of-something soup and tater tots a delicacy, and even have our very own often-imitated accent. However, within our one-of-a-kind culture, there are many different types of Minnesotans that make up the fabric of our lovable northern state. Here are just a few:
The Hearty Minnesotan
You are the person everyone calls on for help, because they know you’ll be there — the epitome of Minnesota Nice. You own a pair of Carhartts and snow blow your own driveway. You trim your own trees and grow your own tomatoes. You know Minnesota is full of challenges: weather, road construction, mosquitos…. but you embrace it!

The Trendsetting Minnesotan
You spend your weekends at the Turf Club or Fine Line Music Café scouting out the next Prince. You’re checking out the hottest new brewery to join Minnesotan’s growing craft beer market before half of your friends even knew it existed. Or maybe you’re creating one of newest inventions that consistently keeps Minnesota in the top 10 most inventive states based on number of patents (currently #6).
The Fully-Settled Transplant
You’ve bought your NorthFace jacket and nailed your routine for scrapping off the ice on your car. You’ve perfected your tater tot hotdish, gone to the State Fair, watched a play at the Guthrie and made a trip “up north” to camp at one of Minnesota’s marvelous State Parks. It’s official, you may not have been born here but you’re a Minnesotan now and you’re not leaving.

The Accepted Outsider
You neglect the hour long goodbye and leave promptly. You express your feelings directly and purposefully, no side-stepping around the matter. You’re a Packer fan and *gasp* you constantly refer to the children’s game as “duck, duck, goose.” We love your individualism, keep it real. Nobody said Minnesotan’s aversion to confrontation was a good thing.
The Die Hard Fan
Minnesota sports have provided some exceptional athletes, from Kirby Puckett to Mike Ramsey to Adrian Peterson, but our professional sports have struggled with bringing home championships. As a diehard fan, though, that doesn’t stop you from sitting at the third-coldest football game of all time to witness a tragic Viking loss or watch the first Twins game full of hope. The silver lining for die hard Minnesota sports fans? The Lynx, bringing home 3 championships in the last 5 years to make us feel not totally useless.

The Obsessive “Up North” Minnesotan
You’ve had the cabin on a lake just north of Alexendria in the family for three generations and would never miss a free weekend at the lake. You learned to drive a boat before a car and could stand up on waterskies before you even started school. The cabin is your “home away from home” and you cherish the memories you make with the other lake neighbors. Does Minnesota even exist between November and April? #Lakelife
If you live in Minnesota, you likely identify with one of these types – heck, you may even be a combination of a few! You might be totally unique and break these molds. However you choose to live out your life in this great state, own it. Be uniquely you and enjoy all the amazing cultures, sights, and businesses that Minnesota has to offer.
Call us silly, call us strange, call us cool – but whatever you call us, call us Minnesotans.